Women often harbour a grave misconception concerning the calibre of woman that piques the interest of a “”high value man. A “high value man” is a popularized term which generally describes a man that is extremely successful, confident, shrewd, astute, masculine, assertive and intelligent. He is the definition of an alpha male.

There are men of high value that do not fall within the parameters of this definition or possess the attributes described above. This article relates to the popularized notion and depiction and does not in any way disregard the value of men that fall outside the popularised categorization of “high value men”.

The suave sophistication and masculinity that a “high value” man exudes is magnetic. Consequently, a man in this exclusive group will find himself with many suitors.

If a woman is aiming to attract a man that falls within the “high value “category, she will have to possess the following attributes:


  1. Beauty

It is no secret that men are visual creatures. “High Value Men” are no exception and are equally captivated by appearance. They want the best and believe they deserve a physically appealing spouse.

Most “high value” men desire women who represent to the world the image that they have of themselves. Such men want a woman that they will feel comfortable presenting to their friends and colleagues.

If you are not naturally a woman that is committed to daily grooming rituals, eating healthily and exercising regularly, then the dedicated attention to physical appearance that is required to maintain a “high value” man’s interest may feel overwhelming.


  1. She is Co-operative


A highly opinionated woman is not the ideal partner for a “high value “man. A “high value” man that is generally constantly on the go and has a clear idea of what he wants is not interested in beseeching, cajoling or bargaining with his partner on matters he has already decided on and is committed to.

This approach to a relationship may be distasteful to many women who desire to feel like an integral part in the decision making process and who may feel like their contribution to discussions that affect their relationship is discredited.

However, if this is the type of man a woman seeks to attract she should be cognizant of what is entailed and be willing to assist her partner to execute his vision.


  1. Loyalty and Fidelity

These are two qualities that cannot be emphasized enough. Men that are considered “high value” will not entertain the reckless gossip or the open flirt. A man who holds himself in high regard believes his partner should be completely devoted to him. An act of indiscretion made in a moment of weakness or confusion is often for him, unpardonable.

To a “high value” man his partner should be confidential and a woman who complains about their relationship to her girlfriends or in any way tarnishes his image publicly will not likely remain in a relationship with him.

To maintain the viability of this relationship it is advisable that you keep your circle of friends small and do not disclose personal information that pertains to your relationship. If you need to ventilate and discuss personal issues engage the services of a reputable therapist.

  1. Intelligence

A pretty face is not enough. All the beauty in the world cannot compensate for an empty head. If a woman is seeking to be in a committed relationship with a “high value man” she needs to ensure that she has attained a reasonable level of education.

While a “high value man will generally not pursue the highly driven successful woman who has little time left to cater to his needs, he still desires a woman that he can converse with and that can stimulate his intellect.


  1. Respects His Need For Space

Absolutely no man alive finds a woman that is clingy, needy or a nagger attractive. This is especially true of a “high value “man. A man that falls in this category needs to know that he will not be assailed by constant phone calls from a worried partner when he is away on an important business trip.

A “high value” man will not have time to offer constant reassurances to an insecure partner or be willing to answer a slew of questions to assuage her suspicion of impropriety on his part.

His ideal partner will need to be secure and offer peace and serenity to his life.

The “high value” man’s lifestyle will undoubtedly offer any woman luxuries she could possibly only dream of. She will be the envy of her Instagram friends and the poster girl for couple goals.

However before embarking on being the other half to a “high value man” a woman has to ask herself whether or not she can be her authentic self and avoid constant self-censorship in such a relationship.

The attainment of happiness may not fit within the frame of society’s portrayal but personal accomplishment and self-actualization and fulfilment should never be sacrificed on the altar of public perception.

There are many men who may be “ideal partners and may not be deemed as “high value” men by society’s standards.

It is a woman’s personal mandate in the pursuit of happiness to choose wisely and date sensibly.





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  1. Love this! A refreshing read. Looking forward to the next.

    1. Happy you enjoyed the read Gavin! Please share with friends.

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